Maniakalani has had a decade of helping educators continue the pedagogy of learn, create ,share but move it into using the tools of the 21st century.
The information received today that would improve my workflow as a professional; having clear expectations regarding file names, shared understanding about underlining and the preferred way of pasting not only makes workflow easier for me, but helps the next teacher that the student will have also. Much like the expectations of setting out traditional work books did.
The useful tip I may use in my classroom from this week's lesson maybe getting the students to discover the
appropriate use of 'heading' integrated into persuasive writing.
Was anything covered today transferable to my personal life? If I do go back to being a tertiary
student the voice typing and referencing tools would make essay writing easier.
The poster was created using a table in google docs. Rather than using Insert pictures, the images
came from explore. I found if frustrating finding how to hide the table lines when working independently.
The useful tip I may use in my classroom from this week's lesson maybe getting the students to discover the
appropriate use of 'heading' integrated into persuasive writing.
Was anything covered today transferable to my personal life? If I do go back to being a tertiary
student the voice typing and referencing tools would make essay writing easier.
The poster was created using a table in google docs. Rather than using Insert pictures, the images
came from explore. I found if frustrating finding how to hide the table lines when working independently.